Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In Full Swing

School's back in session now and though it still means keeping a crazy schedule, things are actually semi-starting to settle down a bit. I think it's just a matter of everyone getting use to everything that's going on so we can get adjusted to the initial routine. Luckily, as far as I know at this exact moment in time, today is going to be calm, at least in comparison to the other days of the week! No after school band practice, no football scrimages, games or practices. The kid portion of church hasn't started yet. We rushed around doing the shopping yesterday, not our typical day, but had to make changes due to work scheduling, so I don't have to spend today planning out the menu, list and couponing.. Honestly I just want to go back to bed and relax! However, there is some housework type stuff I need to get done, so I suppose I'll be trying to force myself to do that. On the plus side, if I manage to get the main jobs done today, tomorrow will virtually be a free day, so yay! Well, until evening hits anyway, as there are two football practices and cheerleading meeting and at some point I need to do some minor shopping because we didn't have quite enough time during yesterday's marathon. Well, I suppose I should stop putting the cleaning off and get to it!

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