Friday, July 29, 2011

Extreme Couponing?

Have you been considering joining in on the craziness? Well, I have! No, I don't have a wall of toothpaste, nor do I care for one.. I think that's a bit far out there even for me.. And no, I haven't bought $200 worth of groceries and only paid a few pennies. I have however started a small stockpile of health of beauty products and a few food items. I'm just starting out, I've been clipping coupons like mad for almost a month now and learning as I go. I have to admit it's a bit of a pain and requires a bit more attention then what I'd like to give to it. However, I'm starting to see it pay off, which is motivating me to keep going. If you haven't tried you're hand at it yet, you really should. You would be amazed what you can get for very little, if anything at all!

I'm actually considering posting my progress here, not only to help out any passerbyers, but also to track my own progress, to see what I can accomplish in the long haul. Also, there doesn't seem to be any crazy coupon chicks located in Texas that I've seen, so the information I've found doesn't always apply to my area of the world, which I've found to be a bit annoying.. So I think I just might do that, but for now, I think I'm going to call it a night.

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