Monday, May 23, 2011

Is it magic?

I recently realized that most of my time and energy was being used up by simple tasks such as breaking up wars between my kids, arguing with them over daily tasks such as homework and attempting to convince all of them to act like people instead of wild animals! One evening a few weeks ago Hubby Brat and myself went out, just the two of us. As there isn't a great deal of things to do in this area once the sun goes down, we found ourselves milling around Hastings. I found this book in the family section and thought the title was amusing. I opened it up and began to read it's contents. At first I was thinking "Yea, ok, you haven't met my kids!" I kept reading however and slowly began to think that perhaps the author knew something I didn't. I took a memo in my phone and decided I would look up the book on Amazon, hoping I could find it cheaper, which for the record, I saved $5 by doing this!

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 I ordered the book and eagerly awaited it's arrival. As soon as it came in, I began to read it, not an easy task in this house! I started talking to Hubby Brat about it and we both decided that the system found in this book was worth a shot! We introduced this new way of thinking to our kids just three days ago and let me tell you my house is 100 times more peaceful than it ever has been before! Counting the kids has already began to stop the obnoxious behaviors in their tracks! The arguing, yelling, fighting, whining and talking back has dwindled so much that I have free time so that I can actually spend time with the kids and have time for myself.

If you haven't read this book, I strongly urge you to pick up a copy. I have never been one for "expert advice", most experts leave you wondering if they ever had kids or even have ever met one! But not this book. This book is a must have.

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